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List Of Newlywed Game Contestants

List Of Newlywed Game Contestants
  1. List Of 1972 The Newlywed Game Contestants
  2. List Of Newlywed Game Contestants 2016

408 Shares Being a newlywed is a fun and exciting experience. At your wedding reception, you will want to entertain your guests with food, drinks, dancing, and music. But you can also entertain everyone by playing a newlywed game. The newlywed game questions will show how well the couple really knows each other and it can be an entertaining and fun game for the guests to watch. It emphasizes that these newlyweds are entering a new chapter in their lives. While most newlyweds will know a lot about each other, it is pretty unlikely that the couple will answer every single question correctly. That is the fun of this wedding reception game.

The Best Game-Show Contestants Ever A collection of Chris Jones' favorites. By Chris Jones. Speaking of asses, in 1977, The Newlywed Game witnessed a blooper so egregious, it passed through.

You learn a little more about your spouse with this game. And this is just one day of many. With each day, week, month, and year that passes, you will learn more and more about your spouse as you continue to build your life together.

There are at least two ways to play the newlywed game. Either way, you will want to take 2 chairs to the middle of the dance floor. Arrange the chairs so that they are facing away from each other.

Have the bride and groom remove their shoes. The bride will take one of the groom’s shoes and the groom will take one of the bride’s shoes. The couple can now sit in their chairs. The DJ or master of ceremonies will have a list of questions to ask the newlyweds. The answer should be either “the bride” or “the groom.” Raising the bride’s shoe will mean that the answer to the question is “the bride,” while raising the grooms shoe will mean that the answer to the question is “the groom.” A DJ can also ask questions with more detailed answers. For this kind of game, the bride and groom will each need a dry-erase board and marker. When the bride and groom write down the answers, they can show the audience, though the DJ might still need to read the answers out loud for those who cannot see the answers.

While there are many possible questions below, the newlywed game should probably last no longer than 30 to 45 minutes. While it can be very entertaining for the guests, after a while they will want to partake in an activity that they can actively participate in such as dancing or eating. Or they might just want to see you move onto the next event whether it is cutting the cake or watching a performance. While most couples know each other very well, there are some details about each other that we won’t always know the answer to.

Sometimes, you will know so much about your spouse that you will forget a few details here and there along the way. How well do you think you know your spouse? The newlywed game can certainly help you find out. While some of these questions are important, others are rather silly and fun.

It is a great way to have some fun at the wedding reception while allowing your guests get to know you and your spouse better. Even the most formal wedding reception can be loosened up by playing this game. Newlywed Game Questions 1. Who asked for the first date?

Who is less likely to ask for directions when lost? Who is more adventurous? Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Which spouse is more organized? Who said “I love you” first? Which spouse gets up first in the morning? Which spouse goes to bed last at night? Which spouse hogs the sheets in the bed? Which spouse snores? Who is better at managing money?

Who is the better cook? Who gets to control the TV remote? Who would throw a better surprise party? Which spouse is smarter? Which spouse is more athletic? Which spouse is funnier?

Who spends more time on the computer? Who says “I’m sorry” first after a fight? Who usually wins an argument? What are the names of your spouse’s grandparents? Who is the better dancer? Who is the better singer? Who is better at fixing things around the house?

Who is the better driver? Who can be more spontaneous? Who will be taking care of the bills? Who would win an eating contest? Who would finish first in a marathon?

Match game contestant

Who gives the best advice? Who is the better listener? Who is more emotional?

Who is more likely to bring home an abandoned kitten or puppy? Who is better when it comes to haggling prices? Who tips more at restaurants? Who tends to finish eating their meal first? Who wakes up more in the middle of the night? Who is more likely to ask a celebrity for their autograph?

Who is more likely to find work as a model? Who says “I love you” more? Who replaces the toilet paper roll more? Whose friends will come over to visit more often? Which spouse has the shorter attention span? Who is more likely to plan a date?

Who has a bigger sweet tooth? Which spouse is more photogenic? What is your spouse’s favorite breakfast food? Who is more likely to bring the other person breakfast in bed? Who is the picky eater?

Who takes longer to get ready to go out? Who tends to hog the bed? Who has more shoes? Who brought up marriage first? Who has more clothes? Who is the best when it comes to gift-giving? Who loves the other spouse more?

Who is more creative, you or your spouse? Who is more on time? Who has a better fashion sense? Who is more talkative?


Who can stay up the latest? Who is better at getting up early? Who is more likely to eat the last cookie or chip? Who is more likely to share their food? Who would be more likely to climb a mountain?

Who snores louder? Who takes longer to fall asleep?

Who is more likely to yell at a telemarketer or customer service representative? Who is a lighter sleeper? Who is the goofier one? Who is more likely to finish a tub of ice cream first? Who is more outgoing?

Who is more afraid of public speaking? Which spouse did most of the wedding planning?

Who has better handwriting? Who is better with computers? Who spends more time on Facebook? Who is more likely to check their phone during a date? Who is more likely to forget their keys or wallet at home? Who is more of a party animal?

Which spouse is more stubborn? Which spouse is more likely to admit that they are wrong?

Which spouse is more likely to ask for help? Which spouse is always right? Who watches TV more? Who tends to spend more money? Which spouse is more likely to win the lotter?

Who takes out the garbage? Who will be doing the laundry? Who will be doing the dishes? Who will be doing the grocery shopping?

Who is more likely to mess up the laundry? Who tends to be in the bathroom longer? Whose feet are smellier?

List Of 1972 The Newlywed Game Contestants

Who is the messier spouse? Which spouse is better at remembering important dates?

Which spouse has a crazier family? Which spouse is older? Who has the cooler parents? Who can drink a pint of beer faster?

Who drinks more water on a daily basis? Who exercises more? Who got better grades in school? Who is more likely to end up in the emergency room?

Who is the heavier drinker? Who is going to pay the bills? Who is more romantic? Who is more likely to experience road rage? Who is more likely to get sunburn? Who is more likely to have a bad hair day?

Who is better at keeping secrets? Who has more siblings? Who is more likely to go sky diving? Who takes longer showers?

Who burps more? Who wants more children? Who has the better-looking family? Who is more afraid of spiders? Who is more afraid of heights? Who is more likely to throw a surprise party?

Who would be better in the wilderness? Who forgets to turn the TV and lights off? Which spouse is more of a flirt? Who will be the stricter parent?

Who is more likely to dye their hair a bright color? Who is more likely to get a tattoo? Who is more likely to buy a motorcycle? Who is more likely to eat dessert before the meal?

Who is more likely to want breakfast for dinner? Who cares more about their looks?

Who can drink more? Which spouse is more musically talented?

Which spouse is more generous? Who has more of a green thumb? Which spouse is more spontaneous? Which spouse is more likely to drive on a road trip?

Who is more likely to be president of the country? Who do you love the most in the world? Which spouse is more likely to catch a cold? Which spouse is better with kids? Which spouse is more likely to run a red light?

Which spouse is more likely to get a parking ticket? Which spouse is more forgetful? Which spouse do you want the kids to take after? Who passes gas more? Who tends to kiss more? Detailed questions: 146. What made you realize that you wanted to marry this person?

How many wedding dresses did the bride try one before finding the one? What was your first impression of your spouse? Where did you go on your first date?

Would your spouse get stung by a jellyfish for $10,000? When did you realize that they were the one? What month did you go on your first date? What time of day was it when you went on your first date? Did you celebrate your month-aversary?

Does your spouse prefer to be in sweatpants and a t-shirt or do they prefer to get all dressed up? Would your spouse usually prefer to stay at home and relax or go out on the town? What color looks best on your spouse? What would be in your spouse’s perfect sandwich? What was your spouse wearing on your first date? What would be in your spouse’s last meal?

What is your spouse’s dream job? If your spouse could trade lives with anyone else in the world for a day, who would that person be? If money was not an issue, where would the two of you live? What is your spouse’s favorite color?

What is your spouse’s favorite thing to drink? If your spouse was an animal, what would you be? Does your spouse prefer cats or dogs? How long was it before your spouse met your parents? If your father in law was an animal, what would he be? If the house was on fire, what is the first thing your spouse would save besides you? What is the first thing that your spouse would buy if they won the lottery?

What is your spouse’s shoe size? What is your spouse’s pants size? What is your spouse’s bra size? What is your mother-in-law’s maiden name? What is your spouse’s middle name? What is your spouse’s favorite movie? What junk food does your spouse find hard to resist?

What was the last date you went on? When was your spouse’s first kiss? Where was your spouse’s first kiss? How many girlfriends or boyfriends has your spouse had before you?

What is your spouse’s idea of a perfect date? Would your spouse rather be 3 feet tall or 8 feet tall? Who is your spouse’s celebrity crush? Where does your spouse want to retire? What is your spouse’s favorite thing to eat? What street did your spouse live on as a child? What high school did your spouse go to?

Who is your spouse’s best friend? If you could change anything about the other person, what would it be? What do you love the most about your spouse? Who is more likely to go swimming with sharks? Who is more likely to dive off a cliff? Who would play your spouse in a movie?

Who is more likely to invent something that is really cool? What is your spouse’s nickname? How often do you go on dates?

How many kids does your spouse want? Where would you honeymoon (not counting where you are already going? If your spouse cooked dinner, what would they probably make?

What does your spouse own that you would love to get rid of? What is your spouse’s blood type? What is your spouse’s zodiac sign? What is your spouse’s Chinese zodiac sign? What size ring does your spouse wear? What would you name your first child if it’s a girl?

What would you name your first child if it’s a boy? Where in the world would your spouse live if they could choose the place? If your spouse went out for the night with their friends, where would they go?

What is your spouse’s favorite way to eat eggs? What do you think is the first thing that the opposite sex notices about your spouse? How much do you think you will spend on food per week for the both of you? What is your spouse’s birthstone? What is the name of the person who officiated your ceremony? What did your spouse want to be when they grew up?

Does your spouse prefer white chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate? Does your spouse prefer Pepsi or Coca Cola?

Who does your spouse talk to on the phone the most? If you and your spouse were to get a dog, what kind would it be? What is your spouse’s favorite food? What is your spouse’s favorite book? What is your spouse’s favorite restaurant? What is the magazine your spouse reads? What is the last movie that your spouse saw?

What is your spouse’s favorite movie? What is your spouse’s favorite kind of wine? How does your spouse take their coffee? What is the strangest gift that your spouse ever bought for you? What is the worst gift that your spouse ever bought for you?

What is the best gift that your spouse ever bought for you? What is your spouse’s most annoying habit? What is his/her least favorite sport?

Would the bride ever let the groom choose her wedding dress? What is your spouse’s favorite time of year? What is your spouse’s favorite holiday? What is your spouse’s favorite sports team?

How does your spouse like to spend their free time? What is one thing on your spouse’s bucket list?

What would your spouse buy if they found $100? What superpower would your spouse have? Would your spouse ever go on a reality TV show?

Where is the farthest that your spouse has ever traveled? What is the craziest thing that your spouse has ever eaten? What would be in your spouse’s favorite smoothie? Does your spouse believe in ghosts?

What is your spouse’s hidden talent? What was your spouse’s first job? What is your spouse’s dream car? Would your spouse pick pancakes or waffles? Would your spouse choose vanilla or chocolate? Would your spouse prefer lemonade or iced tea? Would your spouse rather have tea or coffee?

Would your spouse rather go to a movie or have dinner for your date? Will the bride take her husband’s last name? Will the newlyweds try to have a baby right away? What is the first thing the newlyweds will do when they retire? What is the one thing that your spouse’s dream house must have?

Naughty questions: 259. How long can your spouse go without making love? What is your favorite part of your spouse’s body? Who needs to wear more deodorant? Who uses more toilet paper? Who is a better lover? Who is going to have more energy for tonight?

Who is better at cuddling? Who tends to be the big spoon? Which spouse is more likely to say “not tonight?” 272. Which spouse is more likely to want to get intimate? Fill in the blank: 273.

My spouse has more than anyone that I know. It always makes me smile when my spouse. My spouse really knows how to. If I could give my spouse anything in the world, it would be. I know my spouse is in a bad mood when. If my spouse could have a second career, it would be. If my spouse could pack one thing to bring on an island, it would be.

If my spouse could eat only one thing for the rest of his or her life, it would be. If my spouse could only listen to one musician for the rest of his or her life, it would be. If my spouse could only watch one TV show for the rest of his or her life, it would be. If my spouse could have dinner with one famous person dead or alive, it would be. My spouse is a natural when it comes to. When we are old, I can imagine my spouse and I doing this:. If my spouse could time travel to one period in history, it would be.

My spouse is terrible at. The thing I look forward to the most now that I am married is. Now that we are married, I cannot wait to. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my spouse when.

These are just a few questions that can be asked at your wedding reception when you play the newlywed game. While you can try to pick some of the questions yourself, it is better if you and your spouse-to-be do not share and swap answers with each other. Doing so would ruin the fun of the game. Spontaneity is the point of this game and remember that it is okay if there are some things that you and your future spouse do not know about each other. It is all a part of the game.

As you play this game, just remember to have as much fun as you can.

Planning an after wedding party? In search of activities that will boost the fun on that very special day and have people entertained? Then you can start with a list of funny newlywed game questions. The aim is to determine how compatible the couple is and the areas where they share a common interest, though the questions will sound so funny, it actually says more about the couple interests. The couples must not necessarily be newlywed to be able to play this game, every couple that wants to have some fun can play this game even without a moderator. This kind of game can get hilariously funny.

Enjoy the game! Popular Newlywed Game Questions What gift that your spouse gave you came as the biggest surprise? Between you and your wife, who would you generally say is the money spender and who is the money saver? Who does your wife talk to on the phone the most? Which one of your wife’s friends would look best in a bikini? If your wife could choose one thing of yours to get rid of, what would she choose?

When your wife says, ‘Honey, they’re playing our song’ what song are they playing? What living celebrity woman will your wife say she most admires? What colour are your wife’s favourite slippers? Who was interested in marriage first – you or your wife? Your wife is waiting at the doctor’s office. Which magazine will she read? Scientific American, Good Housekeeping, People, Field and Stream, Glamour?

If you told your wife that tomorrow you would do any one item from her Honey-Do list, what would she choose? When did you last give your wife flowers?

What was breed and name of her childhood pet? What is the most she has ever paid for a pair of shoes? What is your spouse’s favourite colour?

What was the last book they read? How does your partner behave to get out of trouble? Who is the better cook? If you and your husband were to go get a new dog, what dog would he want to get?

For the wife: Is your car rear, front, or all-wheel drive? For the husband: What will she say it is? What is the strangest gift your spouse has ever bought for you?

What would your spouse say was the last thing the two of you argued about? What percentage of the housework would your spouse say they do? When was the last time you and your spouse had a long passionate kiss? What one item of clothing does your spouse wear that you just can’t stand? What is your spouse’s most irritating habit? What is the strangest gift your spouse has ever bought for you?

See Also:, What is the honeymoon destination that your spouse would most likely choose for a second honeymoon? Who takes longer to get dressed? You or your spouse? When your wife was 13 years old, what did she want to be when she grew up? Who do you think is smarter or has the higher IQ – you or your spouse? What is your spouse’s most-used cuss word or swear word? If your husband/wife could be any famous person, living or dead, who would he/she be?

What is one thing that your husband/wife does for you that he/she hates, but nevertheless does because you like it? If your spouse could wear one clothing of yours, what would that be? What colour was the front door in the first place you lived together?

If you had $100 you could spend on anything you wanted, what would you buy? If you could have constant access to one store, what store would it be? What is your spouse’s favourite “comfort food”? When your spouse leaves the house, what time is it?

Party time, time to clean, or nap time? More Newlywed Game Questions and questions for couples Who would your spouse say was the “better catch” out of the two of you?

What would your spouse say his/her greatest strength would be? What funny or embarrassing thing about your spouse that everyone knows that your spouse thinks no one knows?

What is your spouses most irritating habit? How many pairs of shoes do you own that are not in a closet right now? Other than your wedding day or the birth of any of your children, what one day of your marriage would you most like to experience again? If you had to change jobs with one of your friends, who would you choose? What is your spouse’s favourite food? What will your spouse say is your favourite food? If you had a day off alone and could do whatever you wanted, what would it be?

Your partner? What percentage of the housework would your spouse say they do? If your spouse could be married to a movie star who would they choose?

Name all the people who are closest to your partner. What is the one thing that your partner cannot resist doing?

How many pairs of shoes your partner owns? One thing from your partner’s daily routine that they should stop doing? What would you do to make it a perfect Sunday?

List Of Newlywed Game Contestants 2016

How would you spend the last day of your life? Who did the planning for the honeymoon? Up till when do you guys think your love will last the same? What is your definition of a happy married life?

Who does the planning for a vacation? What would you do to prove that you love your partner? What is your partner’s greatest phobia? Do you remember the name of your partner’s grandparents? Husbands, if your wife could send you to a Body Repair Shop, what on you would she have fixed?

What colour are your wife’s eyes? Wife – what colour will he say your eyes are? What is your wife’s favourite flower? How old was she when she got her first kiss? A meteor is headed for your house. You have saved your family, pets, and the family photos. You have time to save one more item.

What will you save? Every wedding has some detail that doesn’t go as smoothly as hoped.

What was the biggest thing that went wrong at yours? Which of these do you have the most: a sense of humour, sense of time, sense of adventure, common sense? If the prize for winning this game were a second honeymoon to any destination, where would you go? What’s your spouse’s best ‘stupid human trick’? What car did you take on your honeymoon?

How long date before getting married? What is your favourite fast food restaurant? Your spouse’s? If your spouse could change jobs, what would be his/her dream job? If you had 2 weeks and money was not much of an object, where would you go?

What was the best vacation you’ve ever taken together? Who is more of a dancer type among you guys? Who among you guys is good at remembering things? Which song will you dedicate to your partner? Where did you go for dinner after the marriage? What will you do for your 25th anniversary?

What is one thing that you would like to change in your relationship? What is your partner’s shoe size? Who among you guys spends the maximum time on the internet? Which reality show would your partner like to be a part of? What is the most expensive beauty product your partner uses?

Which colour of lingerie your wife owns the most? Who is the messiest in your house? What fast food item tempts your partner the most?

Would you reveal a deep dark secret about your partner for a million dollars? Has an ex-lover invited to the wedding? Any special memory about your partner that you can never, ever forget? If your house was on fire, what are the three things you’d save?

How would you react, if someone told you that your partner was an ex-convict? What is the oddest location you’ve ever shared a kiss? What’s the silliest thing your spouse has ever done? What celebrity does your spouse most resemble?

Does your partner sleep on your side of the bed? How would you express your love for your partner on Valentine’s Day?

Who gets to control the TV remote? Who usually gets their way with things? What is the worst thing that happened on your wedding day, if anything? Does your spouse prefer a bikini or one-piece swimsuit? Data-matched-content-rows-num='2' data-matched-content-columns-num='4' data-matched-content-ui-type='imagestacked' data-ad-format='autorelaxed'.

List Of Newlywed Game Contestants