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How To Select Serial Cable In Gns3 For Mac

How To Select Serial Cable In Gns3 For Mac
  1. How To Select Serial Cable In Gns3 For Mac

I have all the routers/switches here but i’m getting sick of cabling (serial links ugh) and after my frame-relay switch died yesterday morning I decided to change things a bit. If you have 4 physical switches and a computer that can do 802.1Q trunking you can hook up the gns3 routers to the switches. When connecting a serial cable to the serial interface of the router, clocking is provided by an external device, such as a CSU/DSU device. A CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit) is a digital-interface device used to connect a router to a digital circuit.

GNS3 Configuration Emulated Ethernet Switch. Overview Now that the basics have been covered for the in the previous articles it is time to take a look at how to use its capabilities to emulate a real environment.

This article will take a look at the configuration of GNS3 using a emulated Ethernet switch. GNS3 Ethernet Switch Capabilities The Ethernet switch that will be used by GNS3 is part of the Dynagen package that is used by GNS3 to emulate routers. While not the equivalent to a Cisco Catalyst switch it can be configured in a number of different ways that allow support for most common scenarios. Some of these capabilities include the ability to perform Ethernet Switching (if that wasn’t obvious), as well as support for access VLANS, 802.1Q tagged VLANs and QinQ (Stacked) VLANs. Other than direct management, these are the features that make up a basic managed switch. GNS Lab Configuration The configuration of a lab that utilizes the emulated Ethernet switch functionality is rather simple once the configuration of the individual devices has been completed. The following figures will walk through the setup of a basic GNS3 lab using three routers and a single Ethernet switch with default settings that include all devices on the same VLAN (1).

Figure 1 shows the beginning configuration of the lab by dragging each of the devices from the Nodes Types pane to the Map pane. Figure 1 – Beginning Map Configuration For this example, three different routers will be used, each of which have been dragged to the Map pane and configured with 2 Fast Ethernet interfaces. Figure 2 – Completed Router Map Configuration The next figure shows the configuration of a Ethernet switch that has been dragged over to the Map pane.

For this example the default configuration will be used but it is important to know where the different options could be configured if needed. Figure 3 – Configuring a GNS3/Dynagen Ethernet Switch To configure these options Right-Click the switch and select the Configure menu option. Once this has been done the screen shown in Figure 4 will be displayed. From here you will select the Ethernet switch name from the left pane. Figure 4 – Ethernet Switch Node Configuration Screen From the next screen shown in Figure 5 the user can configure the Ethernet switch based on the requirements of the specific lab. By default, there are 8 different switchports that will be available that are all configured as access VLAN ports on VLAN 1. From this screen any specific switchport configuration could be completed, setting up additional links between Map pane devices.

Figure 5 – Ethernet Switch Switchport Configuration Now that both the routers and the switch have been configured it is time to configure the links between the devices and the Ethernet switch. To do this select the Add a Link button shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 – Add a Link The next few figures show the configuration of the links between the routers and the Ethernet switch (Note: These figures utilize GNS3’s manual link mode available under Preferences). Figure 7 – Connecting R1 Figure 8 – To SW2 Figure 9 – Connecting R2 Figure 10 – To SW2 Figure 11 – Connecting R3 Figure 12 – To SW2 Once all of the links have been configured, exit the Add a Link mode as shown in Figure 13. Figure 13 – Exit Add a Link Mode At this point the lab is ready to be started, which is shown in Figure 14. Once all of the devices are up and running each of the routers can be configured the same as they would if there were three physical routers connected to a physical Ethernet switch.

Figure 14 – Completed and Running Emulation Summary All things being equal, the configuration of GNS3 is rather simple once the basics are covered and the student has a couple different lab configurations under their belt. The Ethernet switch functionality of GNS3/Dynagen is very simple and straight forward but it is limited and this should be considered when planning the lab topology. Hopefully the content of this article will enable the reader/student the ability to get GNS3 up and running and configured in the scenario being tested quickly and without much delay. This way time can be be spent on learning the networking system and not GNS3. GNS3 Basic Device Configuration.

Once the initial and GNS3 preferences is complete, it is time to begin the process of learning how to configure a device. As in real life, each device can be configured with a specific amount of memory, disk, and modules. Each of these will be covered in this article. GNS3 Device Configuration The process of configuring a device is not overly complex; however it is important that the basic network topology be worked out before starting configuration. This article is only going to be configuring a single device so the topology is rather simple; in this case a single 7206 device will be configured. The first step in the configuration of a device is to add it to the GNS3 map. Figure 1 shows the 7200 device that will be used in this example.

Figure 1 – Main GNS3 Map Figure 2 shows the process of dragging the 7200 from the node types pane to the main map pane. Figure 2 – Dragging a Device to the Map Pane Once the device has been dragged over to the main GNS3 pane it will be displayed as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 – Complete Map To configure the device it must be right-clicked and the Configure option must be selected from the menu. Figure 4 shows the menu that will be displayed when a device is right-clicked. Figure 4 – Right-Clicked Menu Once Configure is selected the Node configuration window shown in Figure 5 will be displayed. Figure 5 – Node Configuration Window To configure the device select it from the left pane.

Figure 6 shows how the right pane changes when the device is selected. The general options available for the selected device are shown including any hardware options, depending on the platform. In this case the 7200 platform midplane (how the modules connect to the NPE) and NPE (processor card) are configured from this screen. Figure 6 – Device Configuration Node Window The memories and disks tab offers the ability configure the memory and disk allocation for the device. The size of the RAM required depends on the specific image being used; generally 256 Mbytes is sufficient for most images (to be sure, it can be checked at Cisco’s Feature Navigator Site (linkto: ). The typical default NVRAM size is 128 Kbytes and the size of the disk depends on the specific requirements of the lab; generally a disk is not required for a simple lab. Figure 7 – Device Memory and Disk Configuration Figure 8 shows the “Slots” tab; the number of configurable slots that are available on each specific platform will be shown.

In this case the 7206 supports a total of 6 full module slots and another slot that is part of the processor card (slot 0). Figure 8 – Device Slots Tab Figure 9 shows the different options that are available in Slot 0 of the 7200 platform; as stated before, the options are limited because it is part of the processor card. Figure 9 – 7200 Slot 0 Adapter Options Figure 10 shows the different options that are available on Slot 1 (which will be the same with Slot 2 through Slot 6). From the options available, as shown in Figures 9 and 10, select the modules that meet the network topology requirements of the intended lab.

For the purposes of this article it is not important. Figure 10 – 7200 Slot 1 through Slot 6 Adapter Options The next tab allows the configuration of the configuration register; for normal operation this is typically set to 0x2102. The base MAC address can also be configured as well; this is handy if you are testing a feature that uses this value. Figure 11 – Advanced Node Configuration Tab Once the configuration has been completed, it is possible to see most of these options selected by putting the mouse curser over the configured device as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12 – Configuration Summary Summary It is vital that to properly configure GNS3 to emulate a topology that the topology is laid out first, whether this is physically on paper or has been thought out mentally. While GNS3 will automatically select the appropriate adapters if links are created on the map, it is often better with more complex topologies to manually select the adapters to use on each device.

Hopefully the content of this article will help in performing these steps for future emulation environments. Basic Configuration for GNS3 Labs.

Now that the process of configuring the device has been covered in the previous article, this article will take a look at how to setup GNS3 with two devices and then connect them together with a serial cable (virtually of course). This article will also go over the process of establishing the IDLE PC value. GNS3 Basic Lab Configuration For those just learning GNS3 it can be take a little time to figure out exactly how it works. Since many people just learning GNS3 are also just learning networking, it can be even harder. GNS3 was designed to take some of the complexity out of emulating Cisco IOS environments (among others). The other tools that are available (dynamips/dynagen) are still used by GNS3, but are just configured and operated in the background.

The configuration of labs within GNS3 requires some basic level GUI OS proficiency which most people already have. To begin with, it is best to first have an idea of what the topology is going to look like.

How To Select Serial Cable In Gns3 For Mac

For this article the topology is going to connect two 7206 routers together with a single serial link. The first step to set this up is to drag the two 7200s from the nodes types pane to the map pane.

This process is shown in Figures 1-4 below: Figure 1 – Select the 7200 Series Router Figure 2 – Drag the First Router to the Map pane Figure 3 – Select the 7200 Series Router Again Figure 4 – Drag the Second Router to the Map pane Now that the two routers have been placed on the map pane, the two need to be connected together with a serial link. The Add a Link tool is in the top navigation bar and resembles a cable connector, once it is clicked the different types of link available are shown for selection. In this case a serial link is going to be used to connect the two devices. The selection of a Serial link is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 – Add a Link Tool – Selecting Serial Link Type Once the link type has been selected, connecting together devices is as simple as clicking the first device and then clicking the second device; this process is shown in Figure 6-8. Once the link has been successfully created, the map pane will reflect the link between them with red dots, these dots indicate that the interface is not enabled (in this case the router has not been started yet.).

Figure 6 – Select the First Device Figure 7 – Select the Second Device Figure 8 – A Completed Serial Link Once all of the Serial links have been completed, the Add a Link tool needs to be disabled; this is done by clicking on the Add a Link tool again. When it is active, the thumbnail will change to a red X. Figure 9 shows the thumbnail that will need to be selected. Figure 9 – Disabling the Add a Link Tool Once you have disabled the Add a Link tool, the lab and the two devices is complete. These following parts cover the steps required to configure the IDLE PC value; the IDLE PC value is important as it enables GNS3/dynamips to more efficiently use the host processor. Without it, the process utilization of the host machine will often be at 100%.

To begin, a single device needs to be started and allowed to completely boot up. Figures 10-12 show the process of starting R1 and displaying the console. Watch the console until the device has been completely booted up and no additional messages are being displayed.

Figure 10 – Starting R1 Figure 11 – Displaying R1’s Console Figure 12 – Watch the Console Once the device has booted up and is idle, the IDLE PC value can be calculated. Figures 13 and 14 show the process of calculating the IDLE PC value and selecting the best value. The best values that GNS3 believes will provide the least processor utilization are shown with a ‘.’, so select the one that provides the least processor utilization.

Figure 13 – Calculating the IDLE PC Value Figure 14 – Select a Value with a ‘.’ Summary The process of calculating the IDLE PC only needs to be done once for each router model type, once it is calculated it will automatically be added to the configuration of all other similar models. Hopefully the content of this article enables the reader to set up a simple lab and become familiar with the process of using GNS3 and will help in future studies. Using the GNS3 Network Simulator. Today we will be taking a closer look at another network simulator that can be used by candidates while preparing for their Cisco exams. The Packet Tracer, by Cisco, is a really cool tool for CCNA candidates, but it really can’t be used by candidates who are preparing for their professional and Expert level certs.

The scenarios and labs that are done at these levels are way too complex. As a professional level candidate you have just 3 options that are available to you. You can invest the money to build your own lab using real Cisco gear. However, this is the most expensive option that not everyone can afford. Just the cost of the Cisco routers and switches will be enough to make anyone scream, not to mention the added charges to your electricity bill.

Your second option would be to rent rack time at one of the many vendors that provide this service. This is not a bad option. It is way cheaper than building your own lab and you get to practice on real equipment. The only down side to this is having to schedule your lab for an available time.

This might not seem like a big deal to most, but for me, it really is as my mind works differently; I usually have these phases that I like to call my “In the Zone” phases when I’m so focused on my studies that I can’t be bothered with whatever else is going on around me. Having to schedule my lab time to a date that is available and not exactly when I would like to do the lab (NOW!!!) can be somewhat inconveniencing. The only available date might be at a time when you just had a bad day, or you’re really just not in the mood for studying. This is where your third option come in really handy. It’s called the network simulator.

What is GNS3 Really About? The GNS3 network simulator is free, open source software that can be downloaded and used by anyone.

You can access the download. GNS3 works by using real Cisco IOS images which are emulated using a program called GNS3 is really like the GUI part of the overall product. With this GUI, users get an easy to use interface that allows them to build complex labs consisting of a variety of supported Cisco routers. The program that does the real job of emulating the routers using real IOS images is Dynamips. Most people refer to this as the back-end to the whole operation whereas Dynagen is referred to as the front-end.

This is mainly because Dynagen communicates with using a — all this put together helps to make the configuration process simpler. Now, take this added usability and throw in the GUI provided by GNS3, and you’ve gotten yourself a really powerful, easy to use simulator.

Some Supported GNS3 Features GNS3 website lists the following as some of the features provided by the simulator:. Design of high quality and complex network topologies.

Emulation of many Cisco router platforms and PIX firewalls. Simulation of simple Ethernet, ATM and Frame Relay switches. Connection of the simulated network to the real world. Packet capture using Wireshark GNS3 Supported Platforms These are the current platforms supported by GNS3. As you can see from the table, you’ve got quite a list of devices that can be used with GNS3 to build your labs.

This is definitely another great feature of this simulator. As you all know, with each different model of Cisco devices, you have more or less features supported by that model. These mostly range from the types of commands supported on the particular IOS you’re running for that platform.

Using the GNS3 Network Simulator Next, we’re going to take a look at some screen shots so that you get an idea of what an actual lab looks like. This is the basic look of GNS3 when you start the program. To the left of the image is where all the devices are listed. From this area you would drag the devices you are going to use for the particular lab to the work area –center of the screen. Here we have a shot of a Frame Relay lab consisting of 3 routers. Finally, you can see the results of issuing the show run command. Some Final Considerations There is definitely a lot that can be done with the GNS3 network simulator.

As you’ve seen from the screen shots above, you’re able to really configure your own labs using the devices you need, thereby giving you exactly the required practice needed for a particular Cisco exam. However, there are some drawbacks to using GNS3. The main one being that you need your own Cisco IOS images in order to make use of the simulator. GNS3 does not come with built-in IOS images and explicitly states on the front of their page that users must provide their own IOS images. In order for you to obtain IOS images you will need a CCO account, after which you’re able to download the images directly from Cisco’s website.

How To Select Serial Cable In Gns3 For Mac

We do not encourage getting these images by any other means. Another drawback would be the amount of CPU resources used by GNS3.

Well, to be technically correct, it isn’t GNS3 that is actually using up the resources of your CPU. It’s actually Dynamips and this can be seen from your Task Manager in Windows. I’ve used GNS3 on a number of occasions while preparing for different Cisco exams and when I wanted to test a configuration in the lab before putting it into production. It’s really a good tool to have as an aspiring Cisco Engineer and as a network admin in general. If you would like to learn more about GNS3 and how to configure different labs using it, check out this article that covers both or visit the where you’ll find access to a number of documentations. How to Configure Dynagen and GNS3. When studying for the many of the Cisco certifications it is best to get some amount of hands-on experience.

For many students this may be possible by simply doing their normal day-to-day jobs but for many more this opportunity is not possible. In order to fill this void there are really three main solutions: buy or rent Cisco equipment to interact with directly, purchase a Cisco simulator or run one of the dynamips emulation solutions.

While buying the equipment will get you hands-on experience, it does require a decent amount of upfront investment and may not be required if your interests are simply to understand basic Cisco configuration and technology. There are many good simulation solutions out there (including one I worked on from Cisco Press), but the problem with some of these solutions is flexibility. Many of these simulations do quite well to simulate the environment but they are only programmed to understand the commands required in their simulations and thus don’t scale well outside of this specific set of labs. Dynamips Emulation Solutions Dynamips is a solution which emulates specific Cisco hardware; this is then used in concert with a real Cisco IOS image. These emulations do seem to be the best of the available solutions but there is a catch — technically the use of an IOS image not on a licensed Cisco device is a breach of the license (as far as I have been told). Although to my knowledge, Cisco has not gone after anyone, it should be noted. The IOS image must also be obtained through a source other than those distributing the dynamips solutions as they can’t provide this image.

Learn the Basics of Dynagen and GNS3 At this time the two available dynamips solutions are Dynagen and GNS3. Dynagen utilizes a text based configuration file which is used to specify the specific parameters to be used. These parameters include the IOS image location, number and name of the routers used, the specific interfaces emulated on each router, and the specific connection configuration between the routers. Dynagen also provides access to a simulated Ethernet or Frame Relay switch which can be used to connect the various routers.

These switches are simple emulations of the switches and thus do not provide the functionality of a normal Cisco switch. GNS3 takes this a step further by allowing the user to build a lab via a Windows interface that looks similar to Microsoft Visio or similar tools.

GNS3 will build the text configuration files for you and can be used later to utilize the same lab structure. Basic Dynagen Configuration Just to get people familiar with the Dynagen interface we will go over the configuration of a simple Dynagen lab configuration. The first thing that must be done is to locate a copy of Cisco IOS and to obtain a copy of Dynagen and install it. Now the following includes a simple two router configuration which utilizes Frame Relay and Ethernet connections to tie them together. Now let’s review the configuration:. localhost specifies that dynamips will be running on the local machine and utilize the default port of 7200. This can be changed to another IP address or port if dynamips is not running locally.

7200 specifies the configuration to be used for the emulated 7200 router. As of this writing dynamips supports 2600 series (2610 to 2650XM, 2691), 3600 series (3620, 3640 and 3660), 3700 series (3725, 3745) and 7200 routers. image = Program Files Dynamips images c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T.unzip.bin specifies the location of the Cisco IOS image. npe = npe-400 specifies the type of Network Processing Engine used by the emulated 7200 (This is essentially the brain of the 7200 router). ram = 256 specifies the amount of RAM reserved for each instance of a 7200 router. slot0 = PA-C7200-IO-FE specifies the type of interface card which is emulated in slot0 of the 7200 router.

slot1 = PA-4T specifies the type of interface card which is emulated in slot1 of the 7200 router. ROUTER R1 specifies the configuration of a router named R1. F0/0 = S1 1 specifies that the F0/0 interface of the router will be connected to port 1 on switch S1. S1/0 = F1 1 specifies that the S1/0 interface of the router will be connected to port 1 on Frame Relay switch F1.

model = 7200 specifies that this router will emulate a 7200 router and will thus use the configuration specified in that section as well. ROUTER R2 specifies the configuration of a router named R2. F0/0 = S1 2 specifies that the F0/0 interface of the router will be connected to port 2 on switch S1. S1/0 = F1 2 specifies that the S1/0 interface of the router will be connected to port 2 on Frame Relay switch F1. model = 7200 specifies that this router will emulate a 7200 router and will again use the configuration specified in that section. ETHSW S1 specifies the configuration of an Ethernet switch named S1. 1 = access 1 specifies that port 1 on the switch will be an access port and be in VLAN 1.


2 = access 1 specifies that port 2 on the switch will be an access port and be in VLAN 1. FRSWF1 specifies that configuration of a Frame Relay switch named F1. 1:101 = 2:201 specifies that port 1 on the switch will connect using a DLCI of 101 and that it connects to port 2 on the switch with a DLCI of 201.

Of course much more complicated configurations can be created in order to emulate a number of different situations. All of the specific documentation can be found at the Dynagen website. In order to gain access to the router instances you should use a telnet application like. Using the above configuration, R1 would be accessed using the IP Address (localhost) and a port number of 2000. R2 would be accessed using the same IP address and a port number of 2001 and so on. Basic GNS3 Configuration Now GNS3 takes advantage of the interface of Dynagen and takes it a step further to make the creation of the lab file easier. It also adds the ability to emulate other systems including Cisco’s PIX platform and Juniper’s JUNOS but this will not be covered in this article.

Again with GNS you require a copy of Cisco IOS and a copy of and install it. Once this is complete run GNS3, this will bring up a screen like this: You must then configure GNS3 with the location of the IOS images so that it can reference them once the topology is created. This option is located off the edit menu: Once in this configuration screen browse to the IOS image; once selected, GNS3 will populate the Platform with the available hardware options. From this screen you can also manually set the IDLE PC parameter (not required but helpful to limit physical memory use) and the Default device RAM parameter.

Once this is completed you should take the time to create the topology that is required using the devices on the left pane. The following shows the same topology that was created in the Dynagen section: Once this is complete the dynamips can be started by using the play button on the top tool bar, this starts all devices and all interfaces will show as up (green): Accessing the routers through GNS3 is done by right clicking on the target device and selecting console. While every engineer is going to have their preferences, both of these tools work well to emulate Cisco’s IOS and are extremely helpful in preparation for many of Cisco’s certification tests. GNS3 Initial Configuration. Overview With the introduction of dynamips as a Cisco IOS emulation tool, it is now possible to emulate almost any Cisco IOS image in a simulated hardware environment.

Of course the main problem with dynamips was that it was a CLI tool that required a lot of parameter knowledge. To make the configuration easier, the dynagen tool was developed to provide an INI file-like configuration interface. For most of the old school engineers out there this was familiar, and easy to figure out and configure. GNS3 was developed to take the ease of the configuration to a whole new level; this included a GUI-style interface that most people familiar with Windows based systems understood (almost anyone with a computer).

GNS3 added additional abilities to the dynamips platform including support for Cisco PIX and ASA as well as Junipers – JunOS. This article is a second in a series of articles that aims to make the simulation of Cisco IOS environments easier to understand and get those engineers out there looking to become Cisco IOS proficient a stepping stone. Dynamips/GNS3 Issues Before this article goes any further, we should point out that the only way to have either of these products emulate a real IOS environment is to already have access to an existing IOS image. Dynamips, dynagen and GNS3 don’t include these images (this is because the legality is in question). Before anyone can use these products, they must obtain one of these images for the platform being emulated.

There are ways to get these legally (purchase a Cisco SMARTnet contract or have an existing Cisco IOS device) and not so legally (look online); this article will not condone or approve the method used in obtaining this image. For the purposes of this article, an image for a Cisco 7206 platform (7200) will be used. GNS3 Initial Configuration The main parts of the initial configuration of GNS3 to ready it for Cisco IOS emulation is the configuration of Cisco IOS images into GNS3 and the configuration of any non-default preferences. The following group of figures will show the different steps required to set up Cisco IOS images and walk through the different preference options that can be configured when emulating Cisco IOS. Figure 1 shows the main GNS3 screen. Figure 1 – Main GNS3 Screen Figure 2 shows the menu item to be selected to configure the Cisco IOS images. Figure 2 – IOS Image Menu Path Once the IOS images and hypervisors menu option is selected, the screen shown in Figure 3 will be displayed.

On this screen the path to the IOS image can be selected by clicking the browse button as shown. Figure 3 – IOS Image Selection Once the browse button is selected the file selection window shown in Figure 4 will appear; browse to the location of the image and select it and press the open button. Figure 4 – File Selection Window Typically, the Platform will auto populate if the IOS filename remains within Cisco’s naming convention and the model options available will populate the Model dropdown box. As shown in Figure 5, the platform of the selected IOS image is c7200 and the only model supported is a 7200. If for some reason the auto-population did not work, select the appropriate platform and model. Figure 5 – Platform and Model Population One thing to note is that the IDLE PC value is important but will be populated when the first lab is run with this IOS image and the IDLE PC process is completed; just leave it blank for now.

Once the options are correct select the save button, once this is done a screen like that shown in Figure 6 will appear. Once the configuration is saved select the Close button. Figure 6 – Cisco IOS Image Configuration – Save The second part of this article will display the screens used to configure the different preferences available for GNS3, generally speaking the default settings should work for most people. Figure 7 shows the menu item to be selected to configure GNS3 preferences. Figure 7 – GNS3 Preferences Figure 8 shows the main general preferences screen; there are a couple of different options here that someone may want to alter including the project and OS image directories. Figure 8 – General Preference Screen The terminal settings screen shown in Figure 9 can be used to select the preferred terminal application. Putty is generally included with the GNS3 installation, but SecureCRT, Telnet and Teraterm are supported as well.

Figure 9 – Terminal Settings The Dynamips configuration options can be altered if required, however, the default options will work for almost all individuals. Figure 10 – Dynamips Options The one option that may need to be altered is the amount of memory that is allowed to be used per hypervisor (each session of dynamips); value will be needed because this will depend on the Cisco IOS image memory configuration. For beginning configurations, the default configuration will work fine. If this memory usage limit does need to be configured the screen shown in Figure 11 should be used. Figure 11 – Dynamips Hypervisor Configuration Summary Once the Cisco IOS images have each been configured (configure each image that will be used in the emulation), GNS3 is then ready to be used.

The next article in this series will cover how to setup a single Cisco IOS device within GNS3. Hopefully the contents of this article will enable the reader to get to a point where this is easily completed.

Installing GNS3 Network Simulator. There are two main ways that GNS3 can be installed, either by using the all-in-one installer or by using one of the standalone packages. The standalone packages are not installers but simply an archive that can be extracted and run directly; this is a very useful option for those who do not want to run through the installation process. The option that will be covered in this article is the installer which includes the installation of Dynamips, Qemu/Pemu, Putty, VPCS, WinPcap and Wireshark. GNS3 Installation The installation of GNS3 is simple and the different options to select are based on the specific configuration of the target machine. The installation shown in this article will install all required programs and assumes nothing has been previously installed.

The first thing to do is to obtain the GNS3 installer available at. Once this file is downloaded, click on the executable file as shown in Figure 1: Once the installer has been launched, the screen shown in Figure 2 will be displayed; once at this screen press the Next button. The next screen will display the license information to install GNS3 and its associated programs. If the terms are agreeable press the I Agree button.

The next screen will allow the user to select a Start Menu folder name to insert the associated GNS3 shortcuts into; most people just leave this at the default of GNS3. Once a name has been selected you will press the Next button. The next screen will allow the user to customize the installation by selecting which components will be installed; select the components that are required for the specific installation and press the Next button.

How To Select Serial Cable In Gns3 For Mac

The next screen will allow the user to select where the GNS3 programs and most of its components will be installed. Select the appropriate path and press the Install button. If WinPcap was selected to be installed, the next few screens will be shown as the WinPcap installer is completed. Once this screen is shown, press the Next button. If WinPcap was not selected move to Figure 11. Read the next screen and press the Next button.

The next screen will display the license information to install WinPcap. If the terms are agreeable press the I Agree button. On the next screen select whether the WinPcap driver will be automatically started at boot.

This is typical. Once the installer has finished it will display the final screen shown in Figure 11, press the Finish button.

If Wireshark was selected to be installed, the next few screens will be shown as the Wireshark installer is completed; once this screen is shown press the Next button. If Wireshark was not selected move to Figure 21. The next screen will display the license information to install Wireshark. If the terms are agreeable press the I Agree button.

The next screen will allow the user to customize the installation by selecting which components will be installed; select the components that are required for the specific installation and press the Next button. The next screen will ask which shortcuts to install as part of the Wireshark installation and ask if a number of different file associations should be associated to Wireshark. Select the wanted options and press the Next button. The next screen will allow the user to select where Wireshark will be installed. Select the appropriate path and press the Next button. The next screen will ask if WinPcap should be installed as well.

Since WinPcap was probably already installed first by the GNS3 installer, this option will probably not be selected; once done press the Install button. At this point the Wireshark installer will start as shown in Figure 17. Once the Wireshark installation is complete the screen shown in Figure 18 will be displayed; once done press the Next button. At the next screen don’t select the Run Wireshark option (this is because the GNS3 installer is still running) and press the Finish button. The next screen will show that the installation of GNS3 is proceeding.

Once the GNS3 installation is complete the screen shown in Figure 21 will be displayed; once done press the Next button. The last screen in the installation process is shown in Figure 22; at this screen it is possible to run GNS3 for the first time. Summary Once the installation is complete, the user has the ability to use all of the GNS3 capabilities.

A couple of other articles will be written as a follow-up to display the way that these different capabilities can be used to help in studying for Cisco based courses.

GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks. To allow complete simulations, GNS3 is strongly linked with:. Dynamips, the core program that allows Cisco IOS emulation. Dynagen, a text-based front-end for Dynamips. Qemu, a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. GNS3 is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for network engineers, administrators and people wanting to pass certifications such as CCNA, CCNP, CCIP, CCIE, JNCIA, JNCIS, JNCIE.

It can also be used to experiment features of Cisco IOS, Juniper JunOS or to check configurations that need to be deployed later on real routers. This project is an open source, free program that may be used on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. Features overview. Design of high quality and complex network topologies. Emulation of many Cisco IOS router platforms, IPS, PIX and ASA firewalls, JunOS. Simulation of simple Ethernet, ATM and Frame Relay switches.

Connection of the simulated network to the real world!. Packet capture using Wireshark.

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